Index | Parent | Dirlist class |
The Dirlist class is used to create a list of the entries of a directory.
Dirlist can only be used with Listviews.
Name | Type | Class | Note |
AcceptPattern | S | I | An AmigaDOS pattern |
Directory | S | ISG | |
DrawersOnly | B | US | |
FilesOnly | B | IS | |
NumBytes | N | GN | |
NumDrawers | N | GN | |
NumFiles | N | GN | |
Path | S | GN | |
RejectPattern | S | I | An AmigaDOS pattern |
RejectIcons | B | IS | |
SortDirs | S | IS | One of:
SortHighLow | B | IS | |
SortType | S | IS | One of:
Status | N | GN | The status of the obect, one of:
Name | Parameters | Note |
GetEntry | <pos>,<stem/V> | Get an entry. pos is a numer or Active The field of stem set are:
ReRead | Re-read the directory |